
The 5th Wave - Vocabualry Set #4

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  • What does advertisers do for a company?
    Promote their products to customers
  • if someone asked you where you dwell, what are they asking you?
    Where do you live?
  • Cargo is another word used to refer to?
  • His __________ was destroyed by the army during the invasion.
  • Fecal matter or waste material that comes out of the body
  • The army of the dead was not _______________ because there was no way of killing them.
  • Companies often have what kind of offers or deals for long time customers?
    promotional deals
  • What does it mean to dwell on the past?
    To think about the past instead of focusing on the present or future.
  • The _______________ of living alone often leads people to getting a pet.
  • A sniper is often referred to as a what?
    a marksman
  • People are usually okay with ____________ dying during war but protest when civilians die.
  • One of the reasons why the squad wanted Ringer on the team so badly was because of her______________.
  • If a prisoner acts bad and attacks other prisoners he could be placed in ____________ confinment.
  • The man had so much drugs that he __________ and ended up dead in his apartment suit.
  • The evil plan to _____________ nuclear weapons and destroy the world almost came true.
  • describes a statement or an opinion that is believed to not be doubtable
  • He said __________________ that he does not want to meet Gary when Gary is the one who put him in this terrible situation.
  • The rebles ___________ a moneument in honor of their fallen comrades.
  • The _______________ content of the animals body landed on the scientists face and he was not happy about this at all.
  • refers to skill in shooting
  • Doo-doo is a synonym or antonym of which word?
    S - Excrement
  • if something can be gathered in great number, it can be described as
  • My boss is never going to give me a _____________ because he does not appreciate his workers enough.
  • If someone annoys you or makes you angry, what would you refer to him as?
    an exasperater
  • soldier is a synonym or antonym of which word?
    S- combatant
  • What does a stoic try not to be affected by?
    emotions like joy, grief, pleasure and pain
  • When someone has too much of something like a drug to the point were it can be deadly
  • He _______________ believed that killing someone is wrong even if it is for revenge.
  • something that you can defeat or overcome
  • a word used to refer to your home or place where you live
  • A person who fights during a war or armed conflict
  • His _____________ personality made it difficult for people to understand him.
  • Name one thing that would be considered an engima
    Answers may vary
  • to put something upright in a vertical standing
  • Name two things that a soldier might have to surmount?
    Answers may vary
  • There were so many people dead around him yet all he could do is look at them _________ and wonder about the ugly nature of human beings.
  • What might an military aircraft drop during war?
    a payload of bombs
  • name something that a person could overdose on?
    Painkillers, cocaine, caffiene, etc.