
Celebrations Review

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  • When is your birthday?
    Personal answer
  • When is Christmas?
    It's in December.
  • What ____________? I _________.
    What do you want for your birthday? I want a tablet
  • When is Halloween?
    It's in October.
  • When is São João?
    It's in June.
  • What do you ______ for your _______?
  • What do you want for your birthday?
    I want a doll
  • What's your favorite day of the year?
    Personal answer
  • When is Children's Day?
    It's in October.
  • _______________________? __________________.
    What do you want for Christmas? I want a video game
  • What ____________? I ___________.
    What do you want for your birthday? I want a bike.
  • _____ do you want for _______?
    What/ Christmas
  • _____________________? __________________.
    What do you want for Christmas? I want a book