
ETÜT - Review (June 20-21)

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  • Which minibeast has live babies?
    A scorpion
  • Is the missing word, 'much' or 'many'? How _________ milk do you want on your cornflakes?
  • In the story, 'Tefo and the Lucky Football Boots', who put Tefo's lucky boots in the rubbish?
    Tefo's mum
  • In the story 'The Giant and the Frippit', where did Frippit hide the Giant's things?
    In his tree house.
  • Tell me 3 minibeasts that have wings?
    Choose from - bee, wasp, butterfly, mosquito, firefly, .....
  • Which minibeast hasn't got any legs?
    snail / slug / worm / leech
  • In the story, 'The Big Little Dinosaur', where did Emma and Sam find the cannonball/dinosaur egg? a. at school b. at the beach c. in a museum
    b. at the beach
  • Is the missing word, 'much' or 'many'? How _________ chocolate do you want?
  • Which 2 animals live in the rainforest? a. parrots and orangutans b. donkeys and horses c. pandas and polar bears
    a. parrots and orangutans
  • In the story 'How Turtle got his Shell', what did Turtle eat in Parrot's garden?
    Berries and mangoes
  • Why can't we see the Dodo bird? a. It is endangered b. It is hiding c. It is extinct
    c. It is extinct
  • In the story, 'The Giant and the Frippit', what did Frippit take from Giant?
    Frippit took Giant's picnic food and his story book.
  • Choose the correct answer. We buy cereal in ______ . a. a can b. a bottle c. a box d. a carton.
    c. a box
  • Tell me 3 things you can have on a pizza.
    Choose from cheese, salami, olives, green pepper, tomato, tomato paste, ....
  • Is the missing word, 'much' or 'many'? How _________ ketchup do you want on your hamburger?
  • In the ice age which animals lived in the same shelter as the early humans?
    Cave bears
  • Which minibeast is in the same group as a spider? a. a worm b. a dragonfly c. a scorpion
    c. a scorpion
  • Choose the correct answer. We buy eggs in ______ . a . a carton b. a bottle c. a packet
    a. a carton
  • How many legs do insects (grasshoppers, beetles, bees) have?
    6 legs
  • Is the missing word, 'much' or 'many'? How ________ sweets are in the bag?
  • How many legs has a spider got?
  • Tell me 2 animals that lived in the ice age.
    Choose from - a mammoth, a sabre-toothed tiger, Smilodon, Procoptodon, Glyptodon, Thylacoleo, a giant ground sloth, ....
  • From the books you read, which characcter fell out of a tree?
  • What is an elephants habitat? a. the desert b. the sea c. wetlands d. the African plains
    d. the African plains
  • In the story, 'That's not my Hobby!', which 2 hobbies doesn't Katy choose? a. swimming and writing letters b. basketball and drumming c. cooking and gardening
    c. cooking and gardening