
2nd Grade Rock Stars!

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  • What is one adaptation that helps the polar bear survive in the cold?
    Polar bears have thick warm fur to help them beat the cold!
  • What is a habitat? Can you name one?
    A habitat is where an animal lives. We learned about the rainforest, the desert, the sea, and then arctic!
  • Name two words that rhyme. Bonus points if you can name three words!
    bat, cat, hat, fat, dog, log, bog, moon, spoon, loon, any words that rhyme!
  • What is something that you can recycle at your home?
    Plastic, metal, paper, old clothing, old cell phones, lots of different things!
  • Are you excited for 3rd grade!!??
    Yes, No, it all depends on you!
  • What is your favorite animal? Ask your parents too!
    Your choice!
  • Finish this sentence..... The 3 R's are Reduce, Reuse, and........?
    Recycle! Let's all try and recycle!
  • What is one way that an artist can express themselves?
    Musician play music, painters can paint, singers sing, dancers dance, writers write, lots of different ways to express yourself
  • What is one thing you can do to help keep the earth healthy?
    You can recycle, reuse items, save energy, clean up litter, anything to help the earth!
  • What habitat does your favorite animal live in?
    Is it the rainforest, the arctic, the desert, maybe the sea!?