
What day is it?

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  • What day is this?
    May 21st
  • What day is this?
    March 12th
  • What day is this?
    January 13th
  • When is the Independence of Brazil?
    September 7th
  • What day is this?
    December 18th
  • When is the Halloween?
    October 31rd
  • When is Christmas?
    December 25th
  • What day is this?
    November 1st
  • What day is this?
    April 1st
  • What day is this?
    July 4th
  • What day is this?
    February 3rd
  • What day is this?
    August 20th
  • What day is this?
    September 30th
  • What date is it?
    September 7th
  • When is the Children's day?
    October 12th
  • What day is this?
    June 13th
  • When is the teacher's day?
    October 15th
  • What day is this?
    April 22nd