
Make a sentence that...

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  • Make a sentence that...uses the comparative structure "the...the..."
    Example: The more you practice your English, the more fluent you will be!
  • Make a sentence that...uses an adverb.
    Example: She apologized dramatically, so I didn't believe her.
  • Make a sentence that... uses the reporting verb "accused."
    Example: My teacher accused me of cheating on the exam.
  • Make a sentence that...uses the linker "despite" correctly.
    Example: Despite studying all night, I still feel nervous about this exam!
  • Make a sentence that...uses reported speech and the past perfect tense.
    Example: Jesse told me that he had won a gymnastics championship when he was younger.
  • Make a sentence that...uses the quantifier "little."
    Example: There is little coffee left, so we should buy some more at the supermarket.
  • Make a sentence that... is in the future perfect tense.
    Example: By the time we finish this game, we will have made 16 sentences!
  • Make a sentence in the third conditional.
    Example: We wouldn't have got lost if you had brought the map!
  • Make a sentence that...uses the verb "imagine."
    Example: Imagine going to the park and seeing your favorite celebrity walking their dog.
  • Make a sentence that...uses the modal verb "succeeded in."
    Example: Devon succeeded in passing his driving test.
  • Make a sentence in the present perfect continuous tense.
    Example: I have been studying English for 5 years.
  • Make a sentence that... uses "get used to" in the PAST.
    Example: Although it was difficult at first, Emily got used to living far away from her parents.
  • Make a sentence that...uses the word "provided" as an alternative to if.
    Example: Provided you pay, I will go to dinner with you.
  • Make a sentence that...uses "be used to" correctly.
    Example: I am used to swimming for hours because I train every weekend.
  • Make a sentence that...uses the modal verb "needn't have."
    Example: I needn't have worked hard on my homework last night. The teacher didn't even check it!
  • Make a sentence that... is in the second conditional.
    Example: If I were you, I would practice my English this summer!
  • Make a sentence that...uses a relative pronoun.
    Example sentence: That is the girl who saved my kitten from a tree yesterday!