
Summer riddles

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  • Do fish go on vacation?
    No, because they’re always in school!
  • What is the worst feeling on a hot summer day?
    Being hot
  • What do you call a snowman in July?
    A puddle
  • What does the sun drink out of?
  • How can you tell that the ocean is friendly?
    It waves!
  • What’s black and white and red all over?
    A zebra with sunburn
  • Why should you never blame a dolphin for doing anything wrong?
    Because they never do it on porpoise!
  • What kind of music do killer whales like?
    They listen to the orca-stra!
  • What did one tide pool say to the other tide pool?
    Show me your musscles
  • What do you get when you combine an elephant with a fish?
    Swimming trunks
  • Which letter of the alphabet is the coolest?
    Iced "T"
  • What is the worst thing your parents can do to you on a hot summer day?
    Kick you outside
  • Why do fish swim in saltwater?
    Because pepperwater would make them sneeze.
  • What kind of candy do you get at the airport?
    Plane chocolate( plain chocolate)
  • What is the best thing your parents can do to you on a hot summer day?
    Buy you icecream
  • What is the best feeling on a hot summer day?
    Eating ice cream or water guns.
  • What do you call a fish that doesn’t have any eyes