
catenative verbs

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  • When we were half-way home, we stopped a) have b) to have c) having lunch in a very nice restaurant
    to have
  • They thought they could a) sell b) to sell. c) selling the painting for a lot of money
  • The president does not expect a) be re-elected b) to be re-elected for a second term
    to be re-elected.
  • He always remembered a) to take b) take c) taking a big bottle of water if he went walking in the mountains.
    to take
  • I really think that you should stop a) to complain b) complain c) complaining about everything
  • The job I had involved a) sell b) to sell c) selling tombola tickets in the street.
  • No-one was allowed a) leave b) to leavec) leaving d) to leaving the room.
    to leave
  • The Beatles got a) to play b) playing c) play for the Queen of England.
    to play
  • We've both decided a) to give up c) giving up smoking.
    to give up
  • I want a) go b) to goc) going to bed early this evening.
    to go
  • She really regretted a) have b) to have c) having told him to go home
  • When we cross the river, don't let a) go b) to go c) going d) to going of the dog..
  • If you break his camera , it means a) to buy b) buy c) buying him a new one.
  • He broke my camera and means a) to buy b) buy c) buying me a new one
    to buy
  • They never mentioned a) see b) to seec) seeing d) to seeing him yesterday.
  • I clearly remember a) to see b) see c) seeing d) to seeing a red car outside his house.
  • The engine finally got a) go b) to go c) going at the sixth attempt..
  • If I study hard, I'll learn a) speak b) to speak c) speaking d) to speaking English perfectly.
    to speak
  • My brother really enjoys a) to workb) work c) working . in Tahiti.