
Perfect Tenses

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  • What is the perfect tense verb phrase in this sentence? The computer has failed twice this week.
    has failed
  • Present perfect tense sentences use ____________ and has. .
  • Which tense is this sentence written in? We decided to eat pizza for dinner last night.
    past simple
  • Which perfect tense is this sentence? The president will have made a decision by the end of the week.
    future perfect
  • All future perfect tense sentences include ________ _____________.
    will have
  • Which tense is the sentence written in? The team will play in the Championships at the end of the month.
    future simple
  • What is the perfect verb phrase in this sentence? By next month our clothing store will have opened a new location.
    will have opened
  • What tense is this sentence written in ? Jordan has invented a new way to power his car.
    Present perfect
  • Which word is missing in this future perfect verb phrase? By 2027, we have known each other for ten years.
  • Which perfect tense is this sentence written in? They had not closed the schools before the big snowstorm arrived.
    past perfect