
US Govt - Final Review

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  • How many years is the term for a representative?
    2 years
  • What is NEOISOLATIONISM in foreign affairs
    Keep involvement at a minimum. Each country should determine their own fate. Intervention is not welcome and leads to wars
  • There are _____ justices on the Supreme Court.
  • The main purpose of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments was to
    protect the civil rights of former slaves.
  • What may be the most basic means of political participation in a republic?
  • What is the power of the purse?
    the responsibility of managing the national budget
  • A veto is a check which branch has on the legislative branch?
  • What is REALISM in foreign policy?
    Internationalist approach. Promotes cooperation, because it´s best for national security (me firsts)
  • There were two plans, the New Jersey plan and the Virginia plan that united made up the...
    Great Compromise
  • What is defamatory speech?
    statements that damage a person’s reputation
  • A way for the president to bypass Senate approval required for a treaty is....
    Executive Agreement
  • Did the New Jersey plan favor large states or small states?
    small states
  • What is IDEALISM in foreign policy?
    Internationalist approach. Considers other country's interests as well - DEFENSE OF HUMAN RIGHTS
  • What case established the concept of judicial review?
    Marbury v Madison
  • What is the process Congress goes through to review and remove a sitting president or judge?
  • What is gerrymandering?
    changing the electoral district to favor one party over another
  • What is ISOLATIONISM in foreign policy?
    Look after domestic issues, stay out of world affairs to avoid war.
  • What does sovereignty mean?
    supreme power of a state to act within its territory, and over internal and external affairs
  • What does the establishment clause, part if the First Amendment right to freedom of religion, mean?
    Government cannot provide official support for religion
  • True or False: the appellate court reviews the decision of the lower court
  • When can freedom of speech be limited?
    it is likely to lead to immediate lawless action
  • True or False: We are protected from double jeopardy by the Fifth Amendment?
  • True or False: The right against self-incrimination is protected in the Second Amendment
  • How many years is the term for a senator?
    6 years