
Earth Systems Review

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  • What process happens at the oceanic boundary?
    Sea-floor Spreading
  • Ms. Rummel found a rock made of sand and pebbles that had been compacted and cemented together. What type of rock did she find?
    A Sedimentary Rock
  • What type of rock is shown under the magnifying glass in the picture?
    Metamorphic (Waves)
  • What type of rock is shown under the magnifying glass in the picture?
    Igneous (Crystals)
  • Ms. Coronado found a glassy rock that was made of magma that had cooled inside the earth. What type of rock did she find?
    An Igneous Rock
  • Name the two plates that number 4 is touching.
    African and Antarctic
  • Name layer B.
    Outer Core
  • Name layer C.
  • What type of boundary is shown in the picture and what does it cause?
    Transform Boundary and Earthquakes
  • Name the two plates number 2 is touching.
    North American and Eurasian
  • What is the name of layer 5?
  • What process is occurring in the picture and what is it's definition?
    Subduction - when an oceanic plate gets pushed under a continental plate into the mantle which recycles the old sea-floor.
  • Name the two plates number 3 is touching.
    Pacific and Nazca/Antarctic
  • Name the plates at G and E.
    Nazca Plate and Indo-Australian Plate
  • Ms. Gaskins found a rock that had many wavy layers made from being heated and pressured over time. What type of rock did she find?
    A Metamorphic Rock
  • Name the two plates that number one is touching.
    Pacific and North American Plate
  • What is the boundary in the picture and what is the main land form at these oceanic-oceanic plates?
    Divergent Boundary and a Mid-Ocean Ridge
  • Name layer D.
  • Name the three land forms that can be created at this boundary.
    Ocean trenches, mountains and volcanoes.
  • What type of rock is shown under the magnifying glass in the picture?
    Sedimentary (Layers)
  • Explain what boundary is being shown in the picture?
    A Convergent Boundary
  • Name layer A.
    Inner Core
  • What is the name of layer 4?
    Lithosphere (Crust and Upper Mantle)