
Conversation Goals

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  • What is the girl's conversation goal?
    To tell us that she broke the phone.
  • What is the man's conversation goal?
    To tell the doctor how's he's doing and ask if anything is wrong with him.
  • What is the boy's and dad's conversation goal?
    To tell his dad he can do it and to tell his son you can do it!
  • What is his conversation goal to the dentist?
    To tell her that his tooth hurts.
  • What are their conversation goals?
    To say I'm scared and to say this is fun.
  • What is the dad's and son's  conversation goal?
    To tell the baby I see you and to tell the dad what are you doing.
  • What is this man's conversation goal to his coworkers if he doesn't have money when they go out to eat?
    To ask if he could borrow some money or if they could pay for his meal.
  • What is the boy's conversation goal?
    To ask the boy to let him copy.
  • What is the boy's conversation goal?
    To tell his parents he doesn't want to hear them argue.
  • What is the cashier's conversation goal?
    To tell the customer the total cost and ask how the customer is doing.