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  • Which country celebrates Cinco de Mayo?
  • I'M FINE or I'M BAD in at least 3 languages
    Ca va bien or mal,
  • Famous Russian food
    caviar, borscht, root vegetables...
  • Count to 10 in at least 3 languages.
    un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix;
  • Name at least 3 countries that speak German
    Germany, Austria, Switzerland...
  • Capital of Mexico
    Mexico City
  • Describe Braille
    A system of raised dots used by people who cannot see.
  • MY NAME IS in at least 3 langauges
    Je m'appelle...
  • What does Dia de los Muertos mean?
    Day of the Dead
  • Capital of Spain
  • THANK YOU in at least 3 langauges
  • Famous Japanese food
    sushi, sashimi, ramen...
  • Describe Esperanto
    An invented language that combined 7 popular world languages used to promote peace...but never really was adopted world-wide.
  • 3 words we borrowed from German
    dachshund, kindergarten, waltz...
  • 3 words we borrowed from French
    croissant, ambulance, rendez-vous...
  • Name at least 3 countries that speak Russian
    Russia, Estonia, Ukraine...
  • Famous French food
    escargot, baguette, CHEESES!...
  • What is the name of the famous bicycle race in France?
    La Tour de France
  • Capital of France
  • Name a famous monument in France.
    The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe...
  • What country has 4 different writing systems?
  • Name at least 3 countries that speak Spanish
    Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica
  • 3 words we borrowed from Russian
    tundra, mammouth, borscht...
  • 3 words we borrowed from Spanish
    piñata, jalapeno, siesta...
  • In which 2 countries do people eat a log of seafood?
    Spain & Japan
  • What symbol is on the Mexican flag?
    An eagle on a cactus with a snake in its mouth.
  • GOOD-BYE in at least 3 languages
    au revoir, dasvedahnya, adios, sayonara, auf wiedersehen
  • Which 3 languages write from LEFT to RIGHT?
    Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew
  • What language is this?: Herzlichen Gluckwunsch zum Geburtstag
  • WHAT'S YOUR NAME in at least 3 languages
    Comment t'appelles-tu?...
  • What are the colors of the German flag?
    black, yellow, red (schwarz, gelb, rot)
  • Say HELLO in at least 3 languages.
    Bonjour, privyet, hola, konnichwa, guten tag, ahalan, shalom.
  • Which languages uses the Cyrillic alphabet?
  • Famous Spanish food
    quesadilla, taco, guacamole...
  • Famous German food
    spaetzl, pretzel, bratwurst...
  • Name at least 3 countries that speak French
    France, Quebec Canada, Haiti...
  • What makes hot springs so hot in Japan?
  • Describe Morse Code
    A system of dots and dashes. Can be printed, sounds or lights flashing.
  • Colors of the French flag.
    blue, white, red (bleu, blanc, rouge)
  • YES in at least 3 languages
    oui, da, si, hai, ja
  • PLEASE in at least 3 langauges
    s'il te plait,
  • Capital of Japan
  • HOW ARE YOU in at least 3 languages
    Ca va?,
  • What language is this: Joyeux Anniversaire?
  • Capital of Russia
  • Name a famous monument in Russia.
    St. Basil's Cathedral, Lenin's Tomb,
  • Who was in charge of Europe, into northern Africa and the Middle East 2000 years ago?
    The Romans
  • 3 words we borrowed from Japanese
    futon, karate, wasabi...
  • Capital of Germany
  • What language is this?: iFeliz Cumpleaños!