
6th Grade Review

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  • What is the scientific name for connections in your brain?
    Neural patheways
  • Make it respectful! You NEVER ask before borrowing my stuff!
    Could you please ask me before taking something from my pencil bag?
  • Ms. Patin makes a "Mr. Waddell is weird" instagram page and follows all the other teachers. What type of bullying is this?
  • Extra points bonus: name all 3 animals Ms. Patin has for a pet
    cat, horse, dog
  • Mrs. Shackelford sees Ms. Ba-arma trying to steal Ms. Patin's new car. She says "stop! that's not your car!" What strategy is this?
    Speak up
  • Give me an example of a major conflict
    Someone telling your secret, someone breaking your phone, a physical fight
  • Mrs. Patton wants to get better at cooking. Make a SPECIFIC goal for her.
    learn 2 new recipes by next month
  • Why should we look at the other person's perspective in a conflict?
    So we can understand the full story, so we can come to a solution we both like
  • What would be a smaller goal if Mr. Waddell had a big goal of being president before he's 90 years old?
    Become governor, learn more about what the president does, make friends with politicians
  • Mr. Waddell decides he wants to make a change and teach first grade next year. How would this change affect others?
    the sixth grade teachers might miss him, the first graders might have fun having him as a teacher, the first grade team would have to get used to a new teammate
  • Name one way each of your team members has changed this year
    new hobby, better at a subject, different friends, taller
  • Ms. Patin tells Ms. Mironova they are not inviting Ms. Beukema to the mall because she smells bad. What type of bullying is this?
  • Ms. Beukema sees Ms. Patin getting shoved into a locker. She goes and gets some help. Is this a bystander or an upstander?
  • During weekly staff meetings, Mrs. Dixon roasts the staff that bothered her this week. Is this bullying?
    Yes, there is a power imbalance.
  • Ms. Patin always steals Ms. Ba-arma's chips at lunch. What kind of bullying is this?
  • Give an example of a minor conflict
    someone calling you a rude name, someone borrowing a pencil without asking
  • Extra bonus points: name the state where Ms. Patin was born
  • Extra bonus points: what is Ms. Patin's favorite fast food?
    Taco Bell
  • Ms. Patin sees Mr. Waddell making fun of Mx. Wray. Ms. Patin goes to get Ms. Swetz to intervene. What strategy is this?
    get help
  • Ms. Patin decides she wants to make a change and start eating ONLY onions. How would this change affect others?
    they will have to smell her stinky breath, her husband won't have any foods he likes for dinner
  • Make it respectful! Your room is ALWAYS so disgusting!
    Could you clean your room so it's easier for us to hang out in there?
  • Ms. Patin sees Mrs. Patton stealing Ms. Ba-arma's lunch. Ms. Patin keeps walking. Is this a bystander or an upstander?
  • Ms. Hiller sees Ms. Patin in the hallway and says "your shoes are trash!" What type of bullying is this?
  • Ms. Sentz sees someone teasing Ms. Patin. Later, Ms. Sentz asks Ms. Patin if she is ok. What strategy is this?
  • Every time Mrs. Dixon sees Ms. Patin, she kicks her! What type of bullying is this?
  • Ms. Swetz wants to get better at playing the trumpet. Make a specific goal for her.
    Learn 3 songs by the end of the summer.
  • Ms. Patin is TERRIBLE at basketball. What is a new strategy she could try?
    ask a friend, watch videos, hire a coach, lower the hoop
  • What is the difference between a major and minor conflict?
    A minor conflict can be fixed in about 1 day, a major conflict takes longer or someone got really hurt.
  • Ms. Swetz makes a joke about Mr. Waddell's hats and he laughs. Is this bullying?