
Other Review Questions about Planets in our Sola ...

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  • What is the Red Spot.
    It is a storm.
  • What does Earth have?
    Earth has people, water, animals, tree and O2.
  • What are the names of Saturns rings?
    They are called A, B, C, D, E, G, H rings.
  • Which are the two biggest gas giants?
    Saturn and Jupiter are the two biggest gas giants.
  • What does Mars have?
    Mars have volcanoes and ice and its poles.
  • Which planets are rock planets?
    Mercury, Venus, Mars and Earth are rock planets.
  • Which planet spin sideways.
    Uranus spins sideways.
  • What does Neptune have?
    It has the Great Dark Spot.
  • What does Jupiter have?
    It has the red spot.
  • Which planet isn't a planet anymore?
    Pluto isn't a planet anymore.
  • Which planets are bigger than Earth?
    Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are bigger than Earth.
  • Are Venus, Mercury and Mars bigger than Earth?
    No, they aren't. They are smaller.
  • Which planets have rings?
    Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus have rings.
  • What is the Great Dark Spot?
    It is a Storm.
  • Which planets are gas planets?
    Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are gas planets.