
HAdv 3rd term revision (II)

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  • I was going to go to the theatre last night, but then I heard that the performance __________ (cancel)
    had been cancelled
  • Little ___________ (suspect) what she was up to.
    did he suspect
  • She's always _________ how much money she earns.
    bragging about
  • It ___________ (say) that no one will ever know the truth about what happened.
    has been said / is said
  • It suddenly _______ me that I hadn't eaten all day.
    dawned on
  • Unfortunately I can't meet for lunch. I'm having an extremely ___________ day at work.
  • If you are waiting for news with excitement, you are __________ awaiting it.
  • ____________ disappointed
  • Not until she threatened to leave him ___________ (realize) the error of his ways.
    did he realize
  • The team's victory was _________ bye the serious injury of their star.
  • Is TV getting more and more _________?
    dumbed down
  • If you remember something absolutely perfectly, which adverb collocates with remember?
  • ____ next year, I _________________________ (perfect) my English.
    By/will have perfected
  • To be really disappointed about something
  • Colin would never ignore you deliberately. He _________ you.
    can´t/couldn't have seen you
  • It ______ me that he rejected my offer.
  • I´m sorry Mr. Jones, but it _______ (feel) by all the teachers that we have no option but to expel Tom.
    is felt
  • The bank ______________ (rob) at 9pm.
    was robbed
  • If something is unbelievably clear, it's _________________.
    blindingly obvious
  • He was a _________ Catholic, and showed to the Protestants even less mercy than his father.
  • I turned ___ the volume because I wanted everyone to quieten ____.Then I sat ____ and cried.
  • ___________ (need) is a vacation.
    What I need
  • He does not have the ___________ idea how hard it is to run a business.
  • The story ___________ my interest in learning about the history of this village.