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  • The former slave helped organize the Underground Railroad
    Harriet Tubman
  • Who was elected president in 1860?
    Abraham Lincoln
  • This novel changed the ideas of people in the North about slavery
    Uncle Tom's Cabin
  • What is the term called when a state leaves the Union?
  • What was the Republican Party's stance on slavery?
    Republican Party opposed slavery
  • In 1861, the Confederacy moved the capital to what city and state?
    Richmond, Virginia
  • The Confederate Constitution guaranteed states two things. What is one of them?
    each state was independent and slavery was guaranteed in the Confederate territory
  • Who were the border states?
    Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland
  • What law prompted people to go to this state to choose whether the state was pro or anti-slavery?
    Kansas-Nebraska Act
  • The Dred Scott Decision ruled part of what law unconstitutional?
    Missouri Compromise
  • Senator Charles Sumter was caned because he accused other senators of forcing Kansas to become what?
    a slave state
  • The Confederate Constitution stated that each state was independent. True or False?
  • Which states seceded from the Union?
    Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia
  • Who was the president of the Confederacy?
    Jefferson Davis
  • This law organized the Nebraska Territory
    Kansas-Nebraska Act
  • What was the state that Lincoln wanted to prevent becoming a slave state so that the U.S. capital would not be surrounded by Confederate states?
  • California became a free state under this law
    Compromise of 1850
  • After Ft. Sumter was fired upon, Lincoln called for troops. How did this cause trouble for him with the Southern states?
    Southern states felt they had no choice but to leave the Union
  • Lincoln declared that the Union would hold on to federal property in the Southern states. What was he wanted to hold on to?
    Fort Sumter
  • This term allowed citizens to choose if their state would become a slave or free state
    popular sovereignty
  • Why did John Brown attack the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry?
    to give weapons to slaves to incite an insurrection (rebellion) against slaveholders
  • Any African-American could be accused under this law
    Fugitive Slave Act
  • Why did two political parties dissolve (Whig Party and American Party)?
    Northern and Southern members split over the issue of slavery