
The Unobservable Universe

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  • Give the name of the theory/event that created the universe?
    The Big Bang
  • What concept did we come up with to explain the rate of expansion of the universe?
    Dark Energy
  • Why does Kurzgesagt think that we are lucky to be born now?
    We are able to see our most distance past by looking into the night's sky
  • What type of inflation is responsible for the large distances between galaxies?
    Cosmic Inflation
  • What is the name of the giant elliptical galaxy that will form in a few billion years?
  • Is the expansion of the universe accelerating or decelerating?
    The expansion of the universe is accelerating
  • How many stars are born in our galaxy each year?
    Approx. 3
  • What is the name of the group that the Milky Way and Andromeda are a part of? (hint: our galactic neghbourhood)
    The Local Group
  • What percentage of galaxies in the observable universe have passed our reachable boundary?
  • What is the name of the galaxy that Earth is found in?
    The Milky Way
  • What is a light year?
    a unit of astronomical distance equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year
  • How many million years would a trip to the Maffei group take, if a spaceship from Earth was travelling at the speed of light?
    11 million years!