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  • My mom / not / Sing
    My mom isn't singing.
  • I / Sing
    I am singing.
  • He / Wake up
    He is waking up.
  • The dogs / not / read
    The dogs aren't reading.
  • She / Drive a car
    She is driving a car
  • Joseph and Joana / Do exercises
    Joseph and Joana are doing exercises.
  • I / Watch a movie
    I am watching a movie.
  • Peter / Read a book
    Peter is reading a book.
  • The students / Study
    The students are studying.
  • She / Drive a truck / ?
    Is she driving a truck?
  • They / Listen to music
    They are listening to music.
  • Harold / Study English / ?
    Is Harold studying English?
  • My dad / not / eat chocolate now
    My dad isn't eating chocolate now.
  • We / not / Cook
    We aren't cooking.
  • It / Sleep
    It is sleeping.
  • You / Drink juice / ?
    Are you drinking juice?
  • My friend / Play soccer
    My friend is playing soccer.
  • I / Play videogames
    I am playing videogames.
  • The boy / Take a shower
    The boy is taking a shower.
  • I / Eat a salad
    I am eating a salad.