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  • How big is Canada?
    2nd biggest country in the world
  • What is the location of CN Tower? A) Toronto city B) Canada city C) Niagara falls
  • What is Canada's Wonderland?
    An amusement park
  • True or False: Is French an official language of Canada?
  • Name 2 cities in Canada
    Toronto and Ottawa
  • Who is NOT a Canadian celebrity? a) Celin Dion b) Avril Lavigne c) Jhonny Depp
    Jhonny Depp
  • Choose an answer. The biggest territory in Canada is: a) Nunavut territory b) Quebec province c) Prince Edward Island
  • How many provinces are there in Canada?
  • What is this? A) Chateau Frontenac B) Niagara Falls C) CN Tower
    CN Tower
  • What's the name of Candian money?
    Candian dollar and Canadian penny
  • Can you show Canada on the map?
  • True or false: Toronto is the 5th most populated city in North America
  • What is this? A) Chateau Frontenac B) Niagara Falls C) CN Tower
    Chateau Frontenac
  • Canadian official languages?
    English and French
  • Choose an answer. This is a: a) Ottawa province b) French province c) Quebec province
    Quebec province
  • How many territories are there in Canada?
  • Name the Canada's national animals?
    the beaver and canada Goose
  • What colors are in the Canadian flag?
    Red and white
  • Canada is bigger than Russia, true or false?
  • What is Canda's national symbol? (main)
    Mape leaf
  • From what word does the name Canada come from?
  • What is this? A) Chateau Frontenac B) Niagara Falls C) CN Tower
    Niagara falls
  • What are Yukon Striker and Leviathan?
    Roller Coasters
  • What does the word "kanata" mean?
  • Canada is bigger than European Union, true or false?
  • What is the capital of Canada?
  • True or false: Toronto is the capital of Canada
  • True or False: Canada's official national sport is basketball
  • True or False: There're a lot of ukrainian people in Canada
  • What do Canadians put on top of their pancakes?
    maple syrup
  • Where can you see Canada's national symbol?
    on the Canadian flag and on the penny
  • Name a Canada's national sport
    Ice hokey \ lacross \ skating
  • True or false: Toronto is not a multicutural city
  • Name 1 Candian celebrity
  • Who is the head of the state?
    Queen Elizabeth II
  • Choose an answer. Toronto is in: a) Ottawa province b) Ontario province c) Canada province
    Ontario province