
Find someone who...

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  • Find someone who has got a pet dog.
    Have you got a pet dog?
  • Find someone who has got a pet cat.
    Have you got a pet cat?
  • Find someone who has got a bottle of water in his/her fridge.
    Have you got a bottle of water in your fridge?
  • Find someone who has got a brother.
    Have you got a brother?
  • Find someone who hasn't got a skateboard.
    Have you got a skateboard?
  • Find someone who hasn't got a pet.
    Have you got a pet?
  • Find someone who has got a sister.
    Have you got a sister?
  • Find someone who hasn't got an umbrella at home.
    Have you got an umbrella at home?
  • Find someone who has got fruits in his/her fridge.
    Have you got any fruits in your fridge?
  • Find someone who hasn't got a brother.
    Have you got a brother?
  • Find someone who has got a guitar at home.
    Have you got a guitar at home?