
Fish in a tree - chapter 11 to 21

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  • What happened to Ally and Keisha during the concert?
    They went out to the auditorium without flowers.
  • Why did Albert have bruises on his body?
    Some kids were bothering him
  • What did Ally do to solve the problem with Albert?
  • What was the Friday challenge Mr. Daniels assigned to the class?
    Mystery objects in boxes
  • Why was Ally so proud of herself after the mystery boxes activity?
    She discovered Mr. Daniels trick
  • Did Ally agree she is just a "slow reader" girl? Why?
    No, she is more than that.
  • Why did Ally start to talk about eggs to Keisha?
    To start a conversation
  • Why did Shay call them "misfit toys"?
    They were loser and weird
  • Why did Ally want to be more like Albert?
    To care less about what others say
  • Did Albert wear always the same T-shirt? Explain.
    No he had five identical ones.
  • Where did Albert, Keisha and Ally go in chapter 19?
    To Ally's mother work, the restaurant for an ice cream.
  • What did Keisha give to Ally?
    A cupcake with wow in it
  • What happened to Keisha's flowers?
    Thet fell when she smelled them
  • What did Travis buy?
    An old car
  • Why did Ally feel terrible?
    She bullied Albert
  • Where was Shay's birthday party?
    Butterflies Gardens
  • Did Albert care about people bullying him? What was more important for him?
    No, a Science problem
  • What was Ally's plan in order not to write?
    To wear a sling
  • Why was Ally upset with Shay in chapter 20?
    Because she called Travis a loser.
  • Why was Ally happy in chapter 15?
    She made a friend
  • What did Ally decide to do to help Keisha when she was crying?
    She tried to give her half of her bouquet.
  • Why did Ally grab a butterfly?
    Sha wanted to make a wish.
  • Who brought the flower for the concert?
    Shay's father
  • What did Ally do to Shay? Why?
    She ate her cake. She thought Shay took her biscuits.