
2020-21 revision quiz LS4

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  • Which word does NOT fit in the space? I couldn't [ buy / afford / pay / borrow ] the video game.
    pay: you PAY FOR things (but you can PAY a bill, a person or a price)
  • What is the opposite of the verb to BORROW ?
    LEND (I lend it to you; you borrow it from me)
  • Put the preposition "to" in the correct place in this sentence: Football fans look up Lionel Messi.
    look up TO
  • What happens last - being sentenced, being arrested or committing a crime ?
    being sentenced
  • Fill in the space but do NOT use the word "if"! You can borrow my jacket ...... you bring it back to me clean and in good condition!
    as long as / so long as / providing / provided (that) / on condition that
  • Kenya is a country ....... capital is Nairobi.
  • Sofia has learned to express emotions and to understand questions. What is amazing about Sofia?
    She is a robot.
  • What is the opposite of DEPOSIT?
    Withdraw / take out
  • Which verb has a completely different meaning? [ overcome / deal with / sort out / get on with ]
    Get on with (means "to have a good relationship with someone")
  • My friend started a fire in a shop. He was sent to prison for ........ (a type of crime)
  • Iñaki became a firefighter when he was 22. Before that he ............................ (want) to join the police.
    had wanted
  • When the robber threatened the tourists with a knife, they handed ...... their money.
    over / him / her
  • How many of these things can be donated? [blood] [a heart] [clothes] [money][food]
    5 (all of them!)
  • A person who sees a crime and reports it to the police is called a ................
  • Another way of saying "generally speaking" - "On the ...... "
  • Portugalete is the town .... our school is located.
  • Which is the odd one out? [well] [reservoir] [stream] [desert]
    desert: The others have water!
  • How many dogs are there thought to be in the world today - 20 million, 100 million, 200 million or 500 million?
    200 million.
  • Which (1) country uses the Euro: Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the Vatican City?
    The Vatican city.
  • A hamburger has a water ....... of 2300 litres
  • Don't phone me before 9 o'clock tonight; I .............. (have) dinner.
    'll be having / will be having
  • What do we do with our eyes 15 - 20 times a minute?
  • Animals living in the jungle are WILD, but animals living in a house are ...... ?
  • What do we call a large group of wolves or dogs ?
    a pack
  • Which animal is the odd one out? Leopard, wolf, lion, panther
    WOLF (not a feline)
  • Giraffes are really tall. (What type of word is "very" ? )
    an adverb
  • Correct this sentence: People that plays their music very loud is very antisocial.
    People that PLAY their music very loud ARE very antisocial.
  • We close our ....... when we're angry with someone or something.