
Unit 04 Genetics Vocabulary and Terms Practice

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  • Hybrid
    The offspring of two plants or animals of different species or varieties, such as a mule (a hybrid of a donkey and a horse)
  • Purebred
    an organism that always produces offspring with the same traits as their parents, homozygous alleles
  • homo-
    same, alike, similar
  • Adaptation
    Any inherited trait that increases an organism's chance of survival in its environment.
  • Nature
    Our GENETICS determine our behavior. Personality traits and abilities are in our "nature".
  • Incomplete Dominance "Blended"
    Cases in which one allele is not completely dominant over another resulting in combined traits.
  • Homozygous
    two identical alleles for a trait - TT, tt
  • Chromosomes
    A tiny, threadlike structure in a cell's nucleus that contains genetic material.
  • Genes
    Contains the directions for what traits you have. They are formed by DNA. Tells cells what proteins to make.
  • Genome
    All the genetic information in an organism; ALL of an organism's chromosomes.
  • Alleles
    Different forms of a gene. We use letters to express them. Ex: height (trait) TT ,Tt, tt
  • Genetics
    Scientific study of heredity and how traits are passed down from one generation to the next.
  • Heterozygous
    two different alleles for a trait - Tt
  • Punnett Square
    A chart that shows all possible combinations of alleles.
  • Offspring
    A new organism produced by one or more parents
  • Complimentary DNA
    The concept that the 2 strands of a DNA molecule are opposite in terms of Base pairing A-T and C-G.
  • Trait
    physical characteristics used to describe an organism ex: color, height, size, shape, etc..
  • Probability
    The chance of something happening.
  • Variation
    Any difference between individual offspring of the same species.
  • Nurture
    Our ENVIRONMENT, upbringing, and life experiences determine our behavior. We are "nurtured" to behave in certain ways.
  • Gregor Mendel
    father of genetics, studied pea plants
  • Heredity
    The passing of traits from parent to offspring
  • Helix
    Something spiral in form.
  • Genotype
    Allele "letter" combination ex: Tt, tt, TT, (letter "code". The "recipe" that shows what trait will be observed.
  • Recessive
    Trait that only shows if both alleles are recessive. Lower case alleles to represent.
  • Mutation
    A change in a gene or chromosome that leads to new traits.
  • Dominant
    A trait that always shows up if present. We use capital allele to represent.
  • Codominance
    A condition in which neither of two alleles of a gene is dominant or recessive.
  • Phenotype
    Physical observation or description of the alleles, ex: blue, brown, short, tall, round (descriptive word)