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  • What is Michael wearing when he opens the door for Billy?
    His sister's dress and his mum's lipstick.
  • What are the gender roles expected in Everington?
    Girls = ballet. Boy = boxing.
  • What does the blue door that Billy kicks down represent?
    Metaphorically represents how Billy has broken free of society's gender entrenched expectations and transitioned into his true self.
  • What qualities does Billy have that enable him to continue pursuing his dream? Name at least 3.
  • How does Billy achieve his dream at the end of the film?
    He becomes the lead in Swan Lake.
  • What song is Billy listening to at the start of the film?
    Cosmic Dancer "I was dancing when I was twelve"
  • Why does Billy's father, Jackie, not want him to play the piano?
    It reminds him of his late wife and he does not want to deal with his own emotions and grief.
  • Define anomaly. Give an example.
  • What does the violence of the strike reveal about the expectations of the community?
    The violence of the strike is an extension of the behaviour that is typical in Everington and in the behavioural expectations of males.
  • When Billy and Jackie argue about ballet (the first time) in the kitchen, what is used to represent that they are not on the same side?
    The kitchen table.
  • Is the mining strike a success?
    It is not.
  • How are Tony and Billy different?
    Tony is a representation of the life that Billy will lead if he does not find a way to break out. He has assumed the role but Billy does not want to.
  • What happened to Billy's mum?
    She passed away.
  • Define gender norms
  • Who is Billy's dance teacher?
    Mrs Wilkinson
  • In what years does the movie take place?
  • What does it mean to be 'rigid'?
    unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible.
  • Define paradox
  • What do the boxing gloves symbolise?
    Billy's boxing gloves represent a long held family tradition and the valuing of masculine expression.
  • What are lads expected to do?
    'do football or boxing or wrestling'
  • How does Billy overcome adversity?
    He continues to dance regardless of the judgement of society.
  • What does Billy have of his mother that keeps her memory alive?
    Her letters.
  • How is the strike and Billy's desire to dance the same?
    Both are about wanting to live a life they desire.
  • What emotions arise from the experience of discovering ballet? Must identify at least 5
  • How much does ballet cost?
    50 pence
  • What obstacles stand in Billy's way?
    Growing up in a town that values masculine expressions of gender; lack of family support; lack of financial support etc.
  • What sport did Billy do before ballet?
  • How does Billy challenge assumptions?
  • What is the political context of the film?
    The 1984/5 miner's strike.
  • Jackie wants what is best for Billy but, because of his own upbringing, prevents him for following his dreams. What is this an example of?
    A paradox.
  • Where does Billy live?
    Everington, County Durham
  • What is Billy's brothers name?
  • What does Billy hiding the ballet shoes symbolise?
    Billy must hide his passion to avoid the social stigma associated with ballet in the masculine dominated mining community.
  • What collective experience is occurring throughout the film?
    The mining strike.
  • What did Tony and Jackie do for a living?
    They were miners.
  • Who is Billy's best friend?
  • When Billy goes to the mobile library, where do he put the book that he steals?
    Down his pants
  • What ballet school is Billy auditioning for?
    The Royal Ballet School.
  • Who directed 'Billy Elliot'?
    Stephen Daldry.
  • What does Billy's grandmother state on a regular basis throughout the film?
    "I could have been a dancer ... if I had the training"