
Fifth Grade Mr. Kelvin Valladares

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  • What is inner core?
    It is made of solid metals.
  • What is relief map?
    A map that uses shading to show elevations.
  • What are benthos?
    Organisms that live on the bottom of a body of water.
  • What is topographical map?
    It is a map that uses lines to show elevations.
  • What is intertidal zone?
    The shollowest part of the ocean ecosystem.
  • What is atmosphere?
    It is the layer of gases that surround Earth.
  • What is hydrosphere?
    All of Earth´s liquid and soil water, including oceans, lakes, rivers, glaciers and ice caps.
  • What is landform?
    It is a physical feature on Earth´s surface.
  • What is crust?
    The rocky layer of Earth´s surface.
  • What is nekton?
    The larger, active swimmers in a body of water. Example: Turtles, fish and whales.
  • What is estuary?
    They are unique ecosystems that are part salt water and part freshwater.
  • What is mantle?
    Mantle is a layer of silicate rock between the crust and the outer core.
  • What is the outer core?
    It is made of liquid metals.
  • What is plankton?
    Organisms that drift freely in the water. Examples diatoms.