
Literary Elements

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  • What is theme in literature?
    A universal idea, lesson, or message explored throughout a work of literature.
  • In which part of the plot are major characters introduced?
    The exposition.
  • What does the inciting incident introduce?
    It introduces the major conflict between protagonist and antagonist.
  • What is setting in literature?
    The place and time frame in which the action of a narrative takes place.
  • What is plot?
    The sequence of events the make up a story, novel, tale, in a play or similar work.
  • What is the inciting incident?
    An event that moves the protagonist into the main action of the story.
  • In which stage does the protagonist resolve the conflicts and loose ends.
    In the resolution.
  • What stage shows a turning point in the story?
    The climax.
  • How many stages does the plot follow?
    Five stages.
  • Is it true or false? The same literary work can have multiple themes. Exemplify!