
Year revision 8.C

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  • Complete the sentence with one word: This plane is flying at an ___ of about 9,000 metres.
  • Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence: Maybe Ryan didn’t get your email. (might)
    Ryan might not have got your email.
  • Complete the sentences using the most appropriate tense: I ___ (know) Penny for years, and she’s a great friend. We ___ (meet) years ago at primary school.
    I have known Penny for years, and she’s a great friend. We had met years ago at primary school.
  • Correct the mistake: It’ll cost us lesser money to buy the concert tickets on the internet.
    It’ll cost us less money to buy the concert tickets on the internet.
  • Complete the sentence with one word: Jack fell, landed heavily on his chin, and broke his ___ .
  • What’s the word? A nicer word to describe an old person.
  • What’s the word?. The feeling you have when you can’t forgive someone or forget something bad. Also, the taste of coffee or beer.
  • Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence: I’m really sorry that I copied your work in the exam. (should)
    I shouldn’t have copied your work in the exam.
  • Complete the sentence using the most appropriate tense: Tessa’s father bought her a second-hand car after she ____ (pass) her driving test.
    ... she had passed her driving test.
  • What’s the word? A nicer phrase which means ‘to die’. (a phrasal verb)
    pass away
  • Complete the sentence with one word: You’ll become ___ if you don’t drink some water soon. It’s very hot.
  • Complete the sentence using the most appropriate tense: It ___ (rain) when we left the cinema, and we didn’t have an umbrella.
    It was raining ...
  • Correct the mistake: If we know Jack’s phone number, we’d call and invite him to the party.
    If we knew Jack’s phone number, we’d call and invite him to the party.
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets. Use a prefix / suffix: You need a lot of ___ (equip) to go camping in the mountains.
  • Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence: Helen definitely wasn’t asleep when I phoned. (can’t)
    Helen can’t have been asleep when I phoned.
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets. Use a prefix / suffix: I’m really sorry about what I did. I feel really ___ (shame) of myself.
  • Complete the sentence using the most appropriate tense: Have a rest, Dad. You ___ (work) in the garden for hours, and you ___  (not have) lunch yet.
    Have a rest, Dad. You have been working in the garden for hours, and you haven’t had lunch yet.
  • What’s the word? This person is one hundred years old.
  • Write the sentence. Use the second conditional: I / not / go / to bed this early / if / I / not / be really tired.
    I wouldn’t go to bed this early if I wasn’t/weren’t really tired.
  • Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence: I’m sure that I lost my watch when we were on the beach. (must)
    I must have lost my watch when we were on the beach.
  • Complete the sentence using the most appropriate tense: No, don’t ring me after midnight! I / sleep / then.
    I will be sleeping then.
  • Complete both sentences with the same one word: The water ___ in the river is rising. I think it’s going to flood. / The top of the table isn’t ___ because one of the table legs is longer than the others.
  • Complete the sentence using the most appropriate tense: This city is quite small now. But a hundred years from now, it / grow / much bigger.
    …, it will have grown much bigger.
  • Complete the sentence using the most appropriate tense: Megan has forgotten her German now, but as a child she ___ (speak) it really well.
    … a child she used to speak it really well.