
Review A2+ Gold exp

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  • I have _____ good news. I passed all of my exams! CHOOSE: some /many/   any
  • A: ___________do you like playing chess? B: Because it’s interesting and challenging.
  • A: It costs a lot to buy a good tennis racket. B: Yes, it_______.
  • It isn’t necessary for him to stay after school. He___________after school. (have)
    doesn't have to stay
  • My dad gave me _____ advice. a few a lot a little
    a little
  • Books are more interesting than comics. Comics____________books. (as)
    aren't as interesting as
  • These shoes are too small for my feet. These shoes_________for my feet. (big)
    aren't big enough
  • I found some money under my bed when I _____ for my football boots. CHOOSE: am looking/   was looking/   looked
    was looking
  • We bought our tickets yesterday and ________(go) to the football game later this afternoon.
    we are going
  • _______(Jack / play) tennis while you were at the supermarket?
    Was Jack playing
  • A: Who ________to when I saw you at the bus stop yesterday? B: My friend Sarah. CHOOSE: were you talking /did you talk /are you talking
    were you talking
  • A: What ___________(you / look for)? B: My keys. I can’t find them.
    are you looking for
  • While we ___________ (run) in the park, Sam’s phone fell out of his pocket.
    were running
  • A: What__________she do? B: She’s a nurse.
  • Where is_________shop that you went to yesterday?
  • A: Is__________anything in the box? B: No, it’s empty.
  • Jack and Paul _______ crossing the road when I saw them.
  • ______ sent me a text message, but I don’t know the person. CHOOSE: Someone /Everyone /Anyone
  • Does he have any plans for Saturday? What______do on Saturday? (going)
    is he going to
  • We can’t go to the park now because___________ . CHOOSE: it rains/   it’s raining/   it was raining
    it's raining
  • A: I'm going to the supermarket. Do we need ___________? B: Yes, can you please get _____ crisps?
    anything some
  • There’s a problem with my phone, it ____________(not work) at the moment.
    isn't working
  • I have a few more exams than you. You__________many exams as me. (quite)
    don't have quite as
  • In general, _____ young people enjoy spending time with their friends. CHOOSE: – /A/The
  • How_____ students are in your class?
  • I hardly______ take the bus to school, it's quicker to walk!  CHOOSE: often/never/ever
  • She_____________ (sometimes / listen to) audiobooks.
    sometimes listens to