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  • How was the economy of the Iberian Peninsula after the fall of the Roman Empire?
    It changed. There was less trade, the population in towns and cities decreased and most Visigoths were farmers and lived in the country.
  • ..................king of Aragón. He conquered the Balearics Island and part of Valencia.
    Jaime I
  • Why did the economy changed? Why there was less trade and most people were farmers?
    Because there were many wars and this made it difficul to merchants to travel and trade decreased.
  • Where did the merchans buy and sell the products in al-Andalus?
    In the souk.
  • When was the kingdom of Toledo stablished?
    In 507 AD
  • The Middle Ages began when ...............................................
    The Roman Empire fell
  • Who ruled the country in the Christian Kingdoms? And the smaller areas?
    The King. The Lord.
  • al-Alandalus was an...governed by an ...and was part of the Caliphate. Its capital was ...
    Emirate / emir / Córdoba
  • Name examples of buildings built by Muslims:
    The Alhambra of Granada, the Great Mosque of Córdoba.
  • What did the Visigoths use to make jewellery?
    Gold, silver and precious stones.
  • .............................conquered Granada, the last Muslims kingdom in the Iberian peninsula.
    The Christians.
  • what were the important buildings in al-Andalus?
    The mosques.
  • In .... the … began when … fell and then, the lands that were part of the Roman Empire where ruled by different peoples until the Visigoths arrived at …and established a new ...with its capital city in Toledo, called 
    476 /The Middle Ages / the Roman Empire /the Roman Hispania / kingdom / The Kingdom of Toledo / 507 AD
  • The Reconquista took place between the ..................and the .............centuries.
    Between the 8ht and the 15th centuries.
  • What did unit the Visigothic Kingdom under one religion? What religion was it?
    Recaredo King converted to Catholicism.
  • In 1085 Alfonso VI conquered ....
  • In al-Andalus people could be: 1.- ....... 2.- ...... 3.- ......... where all of them consider equals?
    Muslims, Christians and Jewish. They weren't considered equals, but they give them rights.
  • what did the priests and monks do in the Christian Kingdoms?
    They copied and translated important books.
  • ...................king of Castilla and León. He conquered Códoba and Sevilla.
    Fernando III
  • Name the five kingdoms there were in the Iberian Peninsula at the end of the 15th century
    The Kingdom of Portugal, The Kingdom of Castilla, the Kingdom of Aragon, The Kingdom of Navarra and The Kingdom of Granada.
  • In 1229 Jaime I conquered ....................... and in 1244..........................................
    The Balearic Islands. / Parts of Valencia.
  • What was the most important economic activity in al-Alandalus? Where were there more cities and towns, in al-Andalus or in the Christian Kingdoms? Why ?
    Agriculture / in al-Andalus because the trade grew because there were artisans and the merchants sold the products that they made. 
  • .....................................won the Battle of Navas de Tolosa in Jaen.
    The Christians.
  • In Christian Kingdoms people were:
    peasants, blaksmiths, millers, soldiers, artisans...
  • In 929 Abderraman III declared that .........and he stablished ......
    al-Andalus / The Córdoba Caliphate
  • What caused the Reconquista?
    The Christians knew the taifa kingdoms felt weaker. / They needed more lands to grow crops,  rise animals and because the populations was increasing. 
  • What did Visigoths use to build? Say one example.
    Small churches. The church of San Juan de Baños.
  • When the Muslims conquered the Kingdom of Toledo, this territory was called...
  • Muslims: Religion / followers of Islam are called.../ They follow / They believe in /Sacred book
    Islam / Muslims / the teachings of the pophet Mohammed / Allah / the Koran
  • Why were the taifa Kingdoms attacked and conquered by the Christian Kingdoms?
    There were fights between them, and the Christian Kingdoms knew they felt weaker
  • In the Christian Kingdoms, what language began to developed? All languages were similar to .....
    Galician, Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan. / Latin.
  • .............................king of Castilla y León. He conquered Toledo.
    Alfonso VI
  • In 1236, Fernando III conquered ......... and in 1248......................
    Córdoba. / Sevilla.
  • In 1492 The Christians conquered ..............
  • Political crisis caused the division of al-Andalus into small kingdoms called ... and were ruled by ...
    Taifa Kigdoms / an emir
  • Who did conquered the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo and when ?Where did they come from?
    The Muslims in 711AD. They came from the North of Africa.
  • Characteristics of Romanesque architecture:
    Its churches have got thick walls,round archesand small windows
  • What was the only remaining taifa Kingdom?
    The Kingdom of Granada.
  • The Kingdom of Asturias changed into the ..... and later it became part of ........
    The kingdom of Asturias. The Kingdom of león.
  • Non-Muslims rights:
    Christians and Jewish could lived where they wanted and practise their religion. They could work. They had to pay taxes and they couldn't carry weapons. 
  • In the Christian Kingdom most people were........ Where do they lived? What did they do?
    Peasants. In the countryside. They grew crops and raised animals.
  • Which language did the Visigoths learn to speak?
  • Characteristics of Gothic architecture:
    its churches have got thinner walls, pointed arches and large windows.
  • After helping the Romans to fight other Germanic tribes and the fall of the Roman Empire, what the Visisgoths do and when?
    They stablished the Kingdom of Toledo. (507AD)
  • In … AD, … from ...defeated the Visigoths at the ... In a short time they occupied almost the entire .... and the Balearic Islands. They called this territory ....and its capital was Cordoba. 
    711 / Musims / North of Africa /  Battle of Guadalete / Iberian Peninsula / al- Andalus.
  • In the Christian Kingdoms the society was divided in three groups:
    clergy, nobles and peasants.
  • Who made the laws in the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo?
    The King
  • What are the relgious buildings that the Christians build?
    Churches and monasteries.
  • What was The Council of Toledo?
    Meeting tha the visigoth king sometimes have eith nobles and bishops.
  • Who was St Isidoro of Sevilla?
    he was a bishop and an important Visigoth thinker. He was the first Christian to write an encyclopedia.
  • When did the Roman Empire fell?
    In 476 AD
  • Main jobs in al-Andalus: ........sold the products made by the astisans.- ........made products such as tesxtiles, leather goods and pottery.- ......raised goats and sheep. they were expert in irrigating farming. (oranges, rice, wheat)
    artisans, merchans, farmers. 
  • What was a caliphate and who ruled it?
    The Muslims empire ruled by a caligph
  • Most Visigoths worked as
  • Who won the battle of Covadonga Muslims or Christians? When did it take place?
    Christians. In 722AD
  • Who was don Pelayo?
    Le leader of Christians who defeated Muslims in the Battle of Covadonga in 722AD and stablish the Kingdom of Asturias.
  • What was the Reconquista?
    The process when the Christian Kingdoms expanded to the south and conquered lands from al-Andalus.
  • Who ruled the cities in al-Andalus and where did he lived?
    The governor. He lived in alcazaba that was a fortress.
  • Main jobs in al-Andalus: ........sold the products made by the astisans.- ........made products such as tesxtiles,
  • The main two styles of architecture in the Middle Ages:
    Romanesque architecture and Gothic architecture.
  • In 1212 The Christians won:
    The Battle of Navas de Tolosa en Jaen.
  • In the Christian Kingdoms, was there a lot of trade?
    There wasn't much trade because people produced what they needed (grew crops, raised animals...) There weren't big cities. 
  • Tell the name of Nobita's friend
    Shizuka, Suneo, Gigante, DORAEMON