
Communicating 1 End of year quiz

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  • What’s the difference between conDUCT and CONduct?
    One is a verb, the other is a noun.
  • A person who lives and works in different towns.
    A commuter
  • What’s the term for theft from shops?
  • What do the words resign, sack and train have in common?
    They have to do with work.
  • Translate into English: Devi prendere una decisione.
    You have to make a decision/make up your mind
  • If vegetables are not cooked they are…
  • Food with little taste is called…(adj)
  • Translate into Italian: I’d rather you didn’t talk so much.
    Preferirei che tu non parlassi così tanto.
  • What does the adjective still mean?
    not moving; motionless
  • An adult who can’t read or write is…
  • Translate into Italian: You’re not supposed to use the swimming pool after 8 p.m.
    Non dovresti usare la piscina dopo le otto di sera.
  • Translate into Italian: We used to have so much fun.
    Una volta ci divertevamo così tanto.
  • What do the words knight, pneumonia and island have in common?
    They have silent letters
  • What do the verbs own, believe and taste have in common?
    They're stative verbs
  • The noun form of wide.
  • Translate into English: Ho preso un buon voto.
    I got a good grade/mark.
  • Something that is passed down from preceding generations.
  • Translate into English: Ho preso un giorno di vacanza.
    I took a day off.