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  • These jackets manufacture / are manufactured in Terrassa.
    are manufactured
  • Someone made these dresses in India. =  These dresses ________ in India.
    These dresses were made in India
  • H&M opened / was opened by a new shop in Sabadell last week.
  • They sell new cars every day. =  New _______ every day.
    New cars are sold every day
  • That man doesn't design / wasn't designed by cheap suits
    doesn't design
  • Stella McCarty designed this shirt. = This shirt _____________ Stella McCarty
    This shirt was designed by Stella McCarty.
  • Those trainers wear / are worn by a lot of top athletes
    are worn by
  • The company produced / was produced by 6000 cars in 2017.
  • People play football in Europe. =  Football ________ in Europe.
    Football is played in Europe.
  • Lot of clothes make/ are made in India these days
    are made
  • Thousands of people visit Sagrada Familia every year. =   _________ thousands of people each year.
    Sagrada Familia is visited  by thousands of people every year
  • These T-shirts imported / were imported from China last month
    were imported
  • Charles Dickens wrote this book. = This book ______________ Charles Dickens
    This book was written by Charles Dickens.
  • A lot of inexpensive clothes buy / are bought on the internet
    are bought
  • Everyone wears jeans these days.  = Jeans ______________ by everyone these days.
    Jeans are worn by everyone these days
  • They designed this dress in the USA. =  This dress ____________ in the USA
    This dress was designed in the USA
  • Do they speak English here? = Is _________ here?
    Is English spoken here?
  • We serve delicious pizza here. =  Delicious pizza _____ here.
    Delicious pizza is served here