
Gold Pre- First

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  • She can't play volleyball because she _________ (break) her arm.
    She can't play volleyball because she broke her arm.
  • She ________ (meet) her husband at work
    She met her husband at work
  • The O'Connells have lived / lived in Pershore Place for the last fifty years.
    The O'Connells have lived in Pershore Place for the last fifty years
  • We _________________ (not see) Paul since his birthday party
    We haven't seen Paul since his birthday party
  • My friend _______ (not write) any emails yet.
    My friend hasn't written any emails yet.
  • Greenpeace _________ (be) active for over thirty years.
    Greenpeace has been active for over thirty years.
  • The bus __________ (arrive) yet.
    The bus hasn't arrived yet
  • Sally _______ (go) to the cinema last night
    Sally went to the cinema last night
  • Anne ________ (buy) a house in Seville in 1963 and she _________ (live) in Spain since then.
    Anne bought a house in Seville in 1963 and she has lived in Spain since then.
  • How long _____ your sister ________ (be) a vegetarian?
    How long has your sister been a vegetarian?
  • I ______ just ________ (see) her going into the post office
    I have just seen her going into the post office
  • Have you gone / Did you go to the cinema yesterday?
    Did you go to the cinema yesterday
  • We _________ (not eat). We're really hungry.
    We haven't eaten. We're really hungry.
  • Greta _______ (live) in Edinburgh for ten years and then ______ (go) to Thailand
    Greta lived in Edinburgh for ten years and then went to Thailand