
School Year Recap

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  • Describe this school year in 3 words.
  • How will you relax this summer?
  • Finish this sentence... "When I think about this school year, I am so proud that I______"
  • Were you ever been tempted to give up this year? What did you do?
  • One goal I have for the summer break is....
  • Do you have a student or family growth or change story that you would like to share?
  • Is there a skill that you enhanced this year?
  • Was there any professional or personal growth you noticed this year?
  • Do you have a favorite memory of something that happened on zoom? Please Share!
  • What accomplishment are you most proud of this year?
  • Finish this sentence... " One thing I will NOT miss about working from home is_______"
  • What is one thing you did for survival this year?
  • Was it difficult to keep motivation during distance learning/working remotely? Share why.
  • Is there something you tried this year that you can see yourself doing in your future practices?
  • Working from home has been interesting, but one thing I may miss about it is_______.
  • What word(s) were used this year that you hope to NEVER hear again?
  • What was the hardest thing about working remotely?
  • Next school year, I look forward to____________.