
Bird migration, Environmental impacts of logging

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  • Nutrients
    The goodness in food
  • unerringly (adv.)
    without making errors
  • obliterate
    destroy; demolish; eradicate
  • swath
    A strip, belt, or long and relatively narrow extent of anything
  • endure
    to live under difficult conditions
  • diurnal
    active during the day
  • obscure
    difficult to see, vague
  • dense
  • crate
    (n.) wooden box; old car, old plane
  • array
    a large number, a collection
  • windswept
    unprotected from the wind
  • intact
    whole, complete
  • deteriorate
    (v.) to lower in quality or value; to wear away
  • inhibit
    to prevent, restrain, stop, slow down
  • fascinate
    to interest greatly
  • disrupt
    to break up, disturb
  • logging
    (n.) the cutting down of trees for commercial purposes
  • feat
    a difficult act or achievement
  • breed
    to reproduce
  • myraid
    many; a large number; numerous
  • canopy
    Dense covering formed by the leafy tops of tall rain forest trees
  • innate (adj)
    existing from birth, inborn
  • Algae
    a very simple plant without stems or leaves that grows in or near water