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  • Alice: Who is the woman in the red dress? --> reported WH-Question, remember the order of the S and V!
    Alice asked (me) who the woman in the red dress was.
  • I have heard people say that the new restaurant is really good. - BEEN - It ________ that the new restaurant is really good.
    It has been said that the new restaurant is really good.
  • 6) The police are interviewing the suspects. INTERVIEWED The suspects ..................................... by the police.
    are being interviewed
  • You should apply for the job” said Jack to Stella. (encourage)
    Jack encouraged Stella to apply for the job.
  • A very friendly taxi driver drove us into town. DRIVEN We ..................................... a very friendly taxi driver.
  • ‘You left the kitchen in a horrible mess!’ Alice said to Rollo. - ACCUSED - Alice __________ the kitchen in a horrible mess.
    Alice accused Rollo of leaving the kitchen in a horrible mess.
  • My parent never allow me to go on holiday by myself - LET - My parents _____________ holiday by myself.
    My parents never let me go on holiday by myself.
  • Although the weather was terrible we had a good time. SPITE We had a good time .................... the terrible weather.
    in spite of
  • Don’t cross the road there” she said to the children. (warn)
    She warned the children not to cross the road there.
  • I think you should go on a cookery course this summer. - WERE - If ____________ go on a cookery course this summer.
    If I were you, I'd go on a cookery course this summer.
  • Steffie feels sad that she didn’t learn how to cook when she was at school. - REGRETS- Steffie __________ how to cook when she was at school.
    Steffie regrets not learning how to cook when she was at school.
  • It’s a great idea to go to the beach” said Maria. (recommend)
    Maria recommended going to the beach.
  • I only though Peter's reaction was appropriate because we are best friends. - IF - Peter's reaction would have been ________ best friends.
    Peter's reaction would have been inappropriate if we weren't best friends.
  • I don't care what you do. CONCERNED As ........................................ you can do what you like.
    far as I am concerned
  • The school I studied at last year was better than this one. GOOD This school ................... my last one.
    isn't as good as / is not as good as / 's not as good as
  • I’m sorry I forgot your birthday” said Amanda to me. (apologise)
    Amanda apologised for forgetting my birthday.
  • 'Why don't you come over for dinner at the weekend?' he asked her. SUGGESTED He .................................. for dinner at the weekend.
    suggested coming over / suggested that she came over / suggested she come over / suggested that she come over
  • Because it snowed heavily during the night the motorway is closed. DUE The motorway is closed ........................................ that there was heavy snow the night before.
    due to the fact
  • That's the garage where I left my car last week. REPAIRED That's where I went ........................................ last week.
    to get / have my car repaired
  • “I’ll be early” I said to my mother. (promise)
    I promised my mom to be early.
  • Anna: What time did you get home last night? --> Reported WH-Question! Remember the order of the S+V!
    Anna asked me what time I had gotten home the night before.
  • The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice. SUCH It ........................................ meal in the restaurant.
    was such a nice
  • Sam: How much is the rent on your flat? --> Reported WH-Question! Remember the order of the S+V!
    Sam asked me how much the rent of my flat was.
  • Being rude is inexcusable. EXCUSE There is ............................. rude.
    no excuse for being
  • The star player's injury at half-time is what caused us to lose the match. - WOULD - We _____ if our star player hadn't been injured at half-time.
    We would have won if our star player hadn't been injured at half-time.
  • Did you manage to get in contact with the boss today? GETTING Did you ........................................ in contact with the boss today?
    succeed in getting
  • I haven’t made fresh spaghetti before. - FIRST - This is ___________ made fresh spaghetti.
    This is the first time I've made fresh spaghetti.
  • I regret taking up smoking. WISH I ..................................... up smoking.
    wish I hadn't taken / wish I had not taken
  • I’ll make the coffee!” said David. (insist)
    David insisted on making the coffee.
  • They were still preparing the food while the guests were arriving. - BEING - While the guests were arriving, __________ prepared.
    While the guests were arriving, the food was still being prepared.
  • Maria had to promise to come home before midnight if she wanted to go to the party. - SHE- Maria wasn't allowed to go to the party ________ home before midnight.
    Maria wasn't allowed to go to the party unless she promised to be home before midnight.