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  • what is the volume?
    Each side of the cube is 3.5 yards long. Use the number 3.5 in the formula. Volume = side × side × side = 3.5 × 3.5 × 3.5 = 42.875 The volume is 42.8
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    60 x 0.35 = 21
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  • which net will make triangular prism ?
    the 1st
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    1/9 is equal to 0.111111…, or 0.1.
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    Add the lengths of the sides you know: 3+3 = 6 Subtract 6 from the perimeter to find s: s = 11–6 =5; Now look for the units. The units are yards. So, s=5 yards.
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    triangular pyramid
  • How do you write 0.57 as a percentage?
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    The numbers, written as decimals, in order from least to greatest are: 0.5<0.75<0.8