
Group 1 Alkali Metals

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  • What can be done to prevent the alkali metals from reacting with air and tarnishing ?
    Alkali metals can be stored in oil
  • ____________ is used in fireworks and explosives
  • Potassium is more dense than sodium . True or False
  • ________is used in batteries
  • What are the products of a reaction between an alkali metal and air ?
    Metal oxide
  • The flame test can be used to identify Alkali metals .Mention the color given with Lithium and Sodium
    Lithium Red and Sodium Orange
  • How many electrons do the alkali metals have in their outer most shell ?
    1 Electron
  • Alkali metals are not like the typical transition metals (ex. iron) in which properties ?
    Soft , low melting and boiling points , low densities
  • What are the products of a reaction between an alkali metal and water ?
    Metal hydroxide and Hydrogen
  • Which alkali metals can float over water and why ?
    Lithium , Sodium and Potassium as they are less dense than water
  • Alkali metals are always shiny . True or False
    False , they are only shiny when freshly cut
  • What is the charge of a group 1 metal ion? And why?
    +1, as they lose 1 Electron to obtain a full outer shell
  • Which alkali metal is the least reactive?