
3S 3R

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  • Define noun
    Person, place or thing
  • Define government
    All the people who run and make laws for a community.
  • How do you raise your hand on Zoom?
    Clicking on the happy face icon and then pressing "raise hand"
  • What does a Meteorologist do?
    A person who studies and makes predictions about the weather.
  • Name one community helper
    Many possible answer
  • What does an illustrator do?
    Draws or paints the pictures in a book.
  • What type of weather is this?
    Snowy weather
  • Who is Rosa Parks?
    The women that sat at the front of the bus and fought for equality.
  • What type of weather is this?
    Stormy weather
  • What is non fiction?
    A story about true events and facts.
  • Define segregation
    Separating people
  • Define author
    A writer of a book, article or document.
  • What is fiction?
    Something that is made up, not true.
  • Define racism
    Treating someone different because of their color or background
  • What does a thermometer do?
    It measures temperature