
5/24 Review

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  • True or False: Unbalanced (unequal) forces will make objects move.
  • Identify the visible light color with the highest frequency (shortest wave length).
  • "The tea kettle screamed as it let out steam" is an example of what type of figurative language?
    Personification -- human quality
  • "The bread soaked up the sauce like a sponge." is an example of what type of figurative language?
    Simile -- "like"
  • White light is being broken into visible light. What is this phenomenon called?
  • You see a firetruck is painted red. What causes us to see the "red" color?
    We see the color of light that is reflected off an object. All other colors are absorbed.
  • Based on the image, will the block move? If it will, what direction will it move in?
    It will move left, 10 N > 5 N
  • Based on the image, why is the hot air balloon rising?
    The balloon has a stronger force moving up than gravity pulling down.
  • The color of an object is due to the light wave being _______. (absorbed/reflected?)
  • "Those apples are the cream of the crop" is an example of what type of figurative language?
    Idiom -- expression with a different meaning
  • "Holly held the hamster high in the sky." is an example of what type of figurative language?
    Alliteration - "H" sound
  • Real Life: what is an example of light reflection?
    Mirrors, sunlight off the ocean, bright snow
  • "The tall man's feet were boats." is an example of what type of figurative language?
    Metaphor -- comparing feet to boats
  • Ms. Walkuski pushes on a desk. It does not move. Which object has the greater force -- Ms. Walkuski, or the desk?
    The desk because it doesn't move.
  • The man falls because the marbles _____ friction.
  • "She found the lost book after she came back from buying a replacement copy." is an example of what type of figurative language?
    Irony -- the opposite of expectation
  • Are these forces balanced or unbalanced? Explain your answer.
    They are balanced. 10 N = 10 N
  • Which side of the seesaw has the greater force? Explain your thinking.
    The left side is greater because it is not moving.
  • True or False: Balanced (equal) forces will keep objects in place.
  • Real Life: what is an example of light refraction?
    objects appearing broken in liquid, rainbows, optical illusions
  • Based on the image, which wave has the lowest frequency (longest wave length)?
    Radio waves
  • Explain why the couple on the left will pull the couple on the right towards them (left).
    The couple on the left has a greater force (500 N) than the right (450 N).
  • "I've been to school so many times, I could drive there with my eyes closed." is an example of what type of figurative language?
    Hyperbole -- an exaggeration
  • Identify which waves are most dangerous to humans -- a) gamma, b) ultraviolet, c) visible light, d) radio
    a) gamma & b) ultraviolet
  • Identify which waves are least dangerous to humans -- a) ultraviolet, b) x-ray, c) visible light, d) radio
    c) visible light & d) radio
  • This is a light wave. Is it being refracted or reflected?
  • Identify the visible light (color) with the lowest frequency (longest wave length).
  • A basketball player jumps up to dunk. The force of his jump is _______ than the force of gravity pulling him to Earth..
  • Based on the image, which wave has the highest frequency (shortest wavelength)?
    Gamma rays
  • "She's got more drama than the Keeping Up with the Kardashians." is an example of what type of figurative language?
    Allusion -- reference something famous