
1900 - 1910

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  • What did the Pure Food/Drug Act create?
  • How many could not read?
    Over 6 million
  • Who invented the airplane?
    Wright brothers
  • What is Pearl Harbor?
    Military base in Hawaii
  • What was a passion of Roosevelt?
  • Who was the president before Teddy and what happened to him?
    McKinley, assassinated
  • What were two inventions created in 1901?
    Razor, vaccuum
  • How fast could you go in 1901?
    12 mph
  • What did men and women wear?
    Gloves and hats
  • What is the name of the black American boxer?
    Jack Johnson
  • What made Teddy incredibly upset about the food practices?
    Killing soldiers
  • What is the name of a male accessory store?
  • What was the first motor company?
  • What car company made cars cheaper?
  • What food was created in early 1900's?
    Peanut butter and jelly, sundaes, brownies
  • How many people immigrated to the US from 1900 - 1910?
    8.8 million
  • What major event were women allowed to be part of in 1900?
  • When did the Gold Standard end?
  • Who was president from 1901 - 1909?
  • What is was the Big Burn?
    Large wild fire
  • What was the money system called?
    Gold Standard
  • What one thing invented in 1903?
    Crayons, driving licenses
  • What was the average age for women to get married?
  • Who supported the NAACP?
    Teddy Roosevelt
  • What major event happened in San Francisco?
  • What law was created in 1906?
    Pure Food/Drug Act
  • What major Civil Rights group was created in 1909?
  • What music was gaining popularity?
    Caribbean, calypso
  • What HUGE invention was created in Ohio?
  • What was the General Slocum and how many people died?
    Boat, 1,000 people
  • What novel explained the history of the KKK through a romance story?
    The Clansman
  • What novel was scandalous?
    Sister Carrie
  • What mode of transportation was created in 1900?
    NYC subway
  • What is the title of the novel written by Sinclair to show how bad the meat packing companies were?
    The Jungle
  • What were two inventions created in 1900?
    Razor, vaccuum
  • Who won the first World Series?
    Boston Americans (Pittsburgh Pirates)
  • What city was hit by a massive hurricane?
    Galveston, TX