
Can / Can't

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  • Can you balance a book on your head?
  • Can you name 5 things starting with the letter 'R'?
  • Can you touch your toes?
  • Can you spell QUICKLY?
  • Can you make an angry face?
  • Can you ask your teacher a question?
  • Can you dance rock 'n roll?
  • Can you crack your knuckles?
  • Can you cross your eyes?
  • Can you sing a song in English?
  • Can you make a funny face?
  • Can you spell your name?
  • Can you clap your hands?
  • Can you lick your elbow?
  • Can you blink your eyes?
  • Can you name three body parts starting with an 'E'?
  • Can you set a table?
  • Can you put your head between your knees?
  • Can you draw a heart?
  • Can you wiggle your ears?
  • Can you shake your bottom?
  • Can you count 5, 10, 15........ 100?
  • Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
  • Can you fly?
  • Can you name the seasons?
  • Can you hop five times?
  • Can you wobble you knees?
  • Can you sing head, shoulders, knees, and toes very fast?
  • Can you write your name with your left hand?
  • Can you roll your tongue?
  • Can you write you name with your eyes closed?
  • Can you cross your arms behind your back?
  • Can you make a pony tail with your hair?
  • Can you bite your bottom lip?
  • Can you hold your pencilcase under your chin?
  • Can you laugh like a monkey?