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  • War and terrorism are never justifiable
    What do you think? Explain
  • The internet is a good way to find a girlfriend/boyfriend
    What do you think? Explain
  • Smoking should be banned in all places, including private homes
    What do you think? Explain
  • You can't be young and wise
    What do you think? Explain
  • New parents should attent parenting classes before they have kids
    What do you think? Explain
  • Arriving late to meet friends is rude
    What do you think? Explain
  • Climate change is a myth
    What do you think? Explain
  • Black is the most elegant color to wear
    What do you think? Explain
  • Every government should provide health care to their population
    What do you think? Explain
  • Immigration is generally a positive thing
    What do you think? Explain
  • It's better to travel independently than with a tour group
    What do you think? Explain
  • Life was better 50 years ago
    What do you think? Explain
  • Women are more complex than men
    What do you think? Explain
  • Mankind will eventually destroy the planet
    What do you think? Explain
  • Women will never be equal to men in the workplace
    What do you think? Explain
  • We're not alone in the universe
    What do you think? Explain
  • Real communication is getting worse with the internet
    What do you think? Explain
  • Voting shouldn't be mandatory in our country
    What do you think? Explain
  • There's nothing wrong with having cosmetic surgery
    What do you think? Explain
  • Couples should live together for at least a year, before they get married
    What do you think? Explain
  • Social networking is a waste of time
    What do you think? Explain
  • We shouldn't allow children to eat fast food
    What do you think? Explain
  • Celebrities earn too much money
    What do you think? Explain
  • Quality of life will improve greatly in the future
    What do you think? Explain