
Sherlock and the Emerald Crown

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  • Bonus Question: What is something people talk about when angry or interested?
    A scandal
  • 4. Who were the two possible guilty people?
    Mary and one of the maids were the possible guilty people.
  • 10. According to Holmes; It’s all in a day’s what?
    It's all in a day's work.
  • Bonus Question: What is an expensive green stone?
  • Bonus Question: What is a person who sells fruits and vegetables.
    A greengrocer
  • 3. Who was the man with no shoes?
    The man with no shoes was Arthur.
  • 5. Why did Arthur want to protect Mary?
    He loved her.
  • 1. What story did Holmes see in the snow?
    He saw the story of a fight between two men.
  • 9. How did Holmes get the emeralds?
    He wrote Burnwell a cheque for three thousand pounds.
  • 6. What happened to Burnwell’s eye?
    He had a cut over his eye.
  • 2. Where did the second set of footprints go?
    The second set of footprints came back to the window.
  • 7. What did Burnwell’s shoe fit?
    Burnwell's shoe fit the footprint in the snow.
  • 8. Why didn’t Holmes go to Burnwell’s with policemen or a big investigation?
    He didn't because he didn't want a scandal for the royal family.