
Review of the year

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  • some or any? Have you got ______ pets?
  • G. Correct the verbs in the sentence: I spended all my pocket money on shoes.
  • How much or How many? _______ time do you spend watching TV each day?
    How much
  • G. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets: I _______ a new tablet yesterday. (buy)
  • V. This person serves you in a restaurant or café.
  • comparative or superlative: A hail storm is _______________________ (dangerous) than rain or snow, so be careful.
    more dangerous
  • Will or going to? You dropped your coat – _____ pick it up for you.
    I will
  • past continuous: I _____ my dog in the park when I saw my friend. (walk)
    was walking
  • V. If you want to buy a house, this person will sell you one.
    estate agent
  • V. Arsonists______ fire to a shop in Seattle last night.
  • V. Modern bicycles are sometimes made out of a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because it is lighter than other metals.
  • past simple or present perfect? Don’t wake Dad up – he __________________ (not have) enough sleep.
    hasn't had
  • V. In the winter, I love watching ___ fall. It’s amazing that each one is different.
  • past simple or present perfect? I __________________ (not play) tennis all year.
    haven't played
  • How much or How many? _______ films do you see at the cinema each month?
    How many
  • Will or going to? 3 Listen to the thunder. There _______ be a storm.
    is going to
  • V Be careful going for a walk in the winter as it’s easy to slip on ___ .
  • G. Verb + to or verb + ing?: Peter admitted ______ the last piece of my birthday cake. (steal)
  • V. P_ _ _ _ was invented thousands of years ago as a material to write on.
  • comparative or superlative: Drink milk, not cola. Milk is _______________________ (good) than cola for your teeth.
  • G. Correct the verbs in the sentence: I gived my brother a book for his birthday.
  • some or any? ______people play video games every day.
  • V. Many shoes, boots and bags are made of l_ _ _ _ _ _.
  • G. Verb + to or verb + ing?: Matt promised ______ his bedroom last week, but he hasn't done it.
    to tidy
  • V. G_ _ _ is an expensive metal which is often used to make wedding rings.
  • past simple or present perfect? Gemma __________________ (meet) Dave in 2004.
  • past continuous: Harry _____ so he didn't know how to do the exercise. (not listen)
    wasn't listening
  • past simple or present perfect? Oh no, I __________________ (forget) our new teacher’s name − can you remember it?
    have forgotten
  • past continuous: Yesterday at 6 p.m. we________ dinner. (have)
    were having
  • G. Verb + to or verb + ing? These days people eat more fruit and vegetables because they want _____ healthier. (be)
    to be
  • V. This person is in charge of a plane and travels all over the world.
  • V. I don’t mind wet weather because I like watching ___ run down the window.
  • G. Correct the verbs in the sentence: We was at home last night.
    we were
  • G. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets: Anna ____ me about your holiday. (tell)
  • past simple or present perfect? __________________ (you see) the Eiffel Tower yesterday?
    Did you see
  • G. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets: We______ some amazing museums. (visit)
  • some or any? I've got _____ homework to finish this evening.