
Revision2 welcome 2

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  • 70
  • Read and choose. 1. a cup of soup 2. a bowl of soup
    a bowl of soup
  • read and correct. He eat his breakfast in the morning
    He eats his breakfast in the morning
  • Read and Choose. 1. a can of cola 2. a jar of cola
    a can of cola
  • read and correct. There are a lot of wolf at the zoo.
  • Say it in English. Там Халима дом.
    That is Halim's house.
  • Say it in English. Там мой двоюродный брат Абдул
    That is my cousin, Abdul.
  • Say it in English. Там Масида карандаши.
    Those are Masid's pencils
  • Read and choose. 1. a carton of biscuits 2. a packet of biscuits
    a packet of biscuits
  • read and correct. She go to school at quarter to nine.
    She goes to school at quarter to nine.
  • read and correct. Bill and Doris don't never plays football together.
    Bill and Doris never play football together.
  • химия
  • sometimes\ he\ goes to\the cinema
    He sometimes goes to the cinema
  • Read and Correct. Bill ride his bike sometimes to school.
    Bill sometimes rides his bike to school.
  • read and correct. Bill goes to bed always at ten o'clock.
    Bill always goes to bed at ten o'clock.
  • Say it in English. Это Оскара сумка.
    This is Oscar's bag.
  • ананас
  • read and correct. She is putting twelve candle on the birthday cake
  • сосед
  • 66
    sixty six
  • read and correct. He get up at quarter past eight.
    He gets up at quarter past eight.
  • read and correct. we watches TV usually in the evening.
    We usually watch TV in the evening.
  • Read and Choose. 1. a slice of cake 2. a kilo of cake
    1. a slice of cake
  • in the afternoon\ she\sometimes\sleeps
    She sometimes sleeps in the afternoon
  • 54
  • plays\she\ never\ soccer
    She never plays soccer
  • read and correct. Kim is buying three can of cola
  • always\have\they\Science\on Monday
    They always have Science on Monday.
  • Say it in English. Там Алимы кольца.
    Those are Alima's rings
  • read and correct. There are a lot of bus in the street.
  • глубокая тарелка (миска)
  • 93
    ninety three