
Key 2

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  • Correct. Hello, I’m Manuel. I’m 12 years ago
    Hello, I’m Manuel. I’m 12 years
  • What is the past simple of feel?
  • Do you like read a book?
    Yes, I do or No, I don’t because…
  • What is percentage of early? 100% 50% 0%
  • Who actor is this?
    Michael Gambon
  • What color is this ^?
  • What is the past participle of go?
    Been or Gone
  • What time is it?
    Half past eight
  • Put Oops
    Put Oops
  • What is the infinitive of worn?
  • What is the past simple of become?
  • Was he like to reads a book? Something is incorrect
    Does he like to read a book?
  • What is the capital of Portugal ?
  • What is the past simple of understand ?
  • How do you say become in Spanish?
    Llegar a ser o convertirse en
  • What is the past participle of tell?
  • What is the capital of India?
    New delhi
  • Will you read a book?
    Yes, I will or No, I won’t
  • What are the three unforgivable curses of Harry Potter?
    Avada Kedavra (Killing curse), Crucio (Cruciatus Curse) and Empire (Curse imperius)
  • What is the infinitive of Fandanged?
    Fandango :)
  • What is this verb?
    Grow. Very Good.
  • What person is this?
    Cristiano Ronaldo
  • What actor is this ?
    Emma Watson
  • What actor is this
    Daniel Radcliffe
  • What person is this?
    Paul Gasol