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  • Who else reacted to Crenshaw?
  • Who stops Jackson from running away?
  • How long will Crenshaw be a part of Jackson's life?
    Whenever he is needed
  • What kind of food does Crenshaw ask Jackson for?
    Purple jellybeans
  • The family couldn't ask for help from relatives because:
    there were no rich relatives to ask for a loan.
  • Why did Jackson's family become homeless?
    His dad got sick and both parents lost their jobs.
  • What is Crenshaw?
    an imaginary cat
  • In this book, what was a gratuity?
    Money to thank you (a tip)
  • What did Jackson steal from the pet store?
    a dog cookie
  • What did Jackson resent about his parents?
    They didn't tell him the truth about moving or other grown-up stuff
  • In the beginning of the book, what does Jackson see Crenshaw doing?
  • Why were Robin and Jackson given bags for their keepsakes?
    The family needed to hold a yard-sale for rent money HIDE ANSWER
  • What instruments to the parents play?
  • What did the family call their homeless time?
    car camping
  • What does Jackson want to be when he grows up?
    A scientist
  • Where did Jackson's family sleep when they were homeless?
    Mini van
  • Why weren't Jackson's parents earning enough money?
    Dad was sick and mom was laid off from her teaching job
  • What game does Jackson and his sister play when they are hungry?
    cereal ball
  • Cerealball is a game that Robin and Jackson played when:
    they were hungry and there was no food.