
The One and Only Ivan

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  • What is Ivan's favorite activity?
  • Why is Ivan's toy called Not-Tag?
    His twin sister was named Tag
  • What does Ivan promise Stella before she dies?
    Ivan promises to help Ruby get out of the Exit 8 Mall.
  • Why doesn't Bob like humans?
    They killed his brothers and sisters.
  • How is Julia making money?
    Walking dogs
  • Why is Ivan never angry?
    He has no one to protect.
  • What part of Stella's body was injured?
    Her foot
  • What did the protestors want?
    Ruby to be freed.
  • What word is Ivan trying to spell with his paintings?
  • Where does Bob sleep?
    On top of Ivan's belly.
  • What name did Ivan receive from his parents?
  • How did Ivan get to the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade?
    He was taken from the jungle and brought to the mall.
  • How much does a silverback eat each day?
    45 pounds of food
  • What does Ivan think about his picture on the billboard?
    He thinks the artist got it wrong.
  • What was hanging in Ivan's cage?
    a tire swing
  • Who is Kinyani?
    A female gorilla at the zoo.
  • What does Mack use to intimidate Ruby?
    a claw-stick
  • What snack food do Stella and Ivan enjoy eating?
    Yogurt Raisins
  • What kind of shows does Ivan watch on his TV?
    romance, cartoons, westerns