
Ace 2 Unit 8

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  • Has he got a parrot?
    No, he hasn't. He's got a chicken.
  • Has she got a lizard?
    No, she hasn't. She's got a stick insect.
  • Has she got a hamster?
    No, she hasn't. She's got a rabbit.
  • Birds have got ___________ and _____________.
    wings and feathers
  • It's a _________. It has got ________. It hasn't got _________.
    It's a tortoise. It has got four legs. It hasn't got fur / wings / feathers.
  • I am green and small. I've got 4 legs and a tail. I haven't got fur. What am I?
    A lizard
  • Say 2 reptiles
    lizard and snake
  • Has he got a donkey?
    Yes, he has.
  • True or false: fish sleep in cages.
    False! They sleep in fish tanks.
  • I'm very small and green. I've got lots of legs. What am I?
    A stick insect.
  • Say a pet you have got. I have got _______. It has got __________.
  • I am very small. I've got fur, 4 legs and a tail. What am I?
    A hamster
  • Say 3 birds
    parrot, chicken, duck ...
  • Say 5 animals with fur.
    dog, cat, rabbit, hamster, fox...
  • Say 5 mammals
    dog, cat, hamster, rabbit, monkey ...
  • It's a ________. It's a bird / mammal / reptile.
    It's a rabbit. It's a mammal.
  • True or false: dogs sleep in stables.
    False! They sleep in baskets.